
Saturday, November 26, 2011

An apple a day

These three paintings, done about 6 years ago, were designed to go together, with the bottom one (with me) being the centre piece and the other two facing in towards it. Recently, the centre piece sold on it's own. I used a glazing technique with about 5 layers of watercolour from light to dark. I paint very differently now!

I stumbled across An Apple A Day art blog. They are collecting 365 paintings of apples, so I entered the top painting. IF YOU'VE GOT AN APPLE PAINTING, JOIN IN ON THE FUN!


  1. They are all beautiful! Interesting to see how your style changed, all amazing, you're very talented! Great you are participating in the Apple a Day project!

  2. j'aime la douceur qui emane de tes aquarelles

  3. Its amazing to see how we evolve in our artwork,and yet each stage has its beauty too.
    I've already entered an apple painting,it was a lovely surprise to see my painting there.

  4. Le travail de la pomme est loin d'être aussi simple et vous avez su rendre le vôtre particulièrement intéressant des par sa composition et sa finesse; Bravo!
    Gros bisous

  5. These are so beautiful. I love the apples and the look of the container. Have a great day.

  6. These are lovely. Although your current style is very attractive I think this worth pursuing too.
