
Saturday, March 31, 2012

window light

Well, the bulb on our model's spotlight is out... but that didn't stop us!


  1. Hi Nora, you have a beautiful blog, so much eye candy. Loving your paintings. Have you considered joining up with Paint Party Friday, its a fun site for artists to show their work. Annette x

  2. I like how you also focus on the other artists! Thanks teacher! ;-)

  3. You really know how to catch a situation Nora, awesome painting, you just use watercolor the best of all ways. Have a nice Sunday!

  4. Hai Nora:) Again a wonderful class painting. You did a wonderful job on the model! Very beautiful! Have a nice week!

  5. bist du die da rechts vom model ausgesehen???? gute idee sehr schön gemalt nora, gefällt mir
    lieben sonntagsgruß maria

  6. I love your soft style! Your gestural drawings are great, and your colors are beautiful! I love how you added a touch of blue to the model's hair, for instance. And the green color on the orange it.

  7. I really enjoy your life classes,I feel like I could be there! Brilliant painting as always!

  8. Une bien belle et douce lumière pour cette séance de poses...
    J'aime beaucoup son atmosphère ainsi que votre manière de saisir l'instant présent.
    Gros bisous

  9. Oooh, your work is gorgeous! I've enjoyed looking through your pieces and am looking forward to more, Kristin xo

  10. Really good, Nora, really good!

  11. As usual, I love these fragments of time, and I especially love the face on the one on the left, so simple that it almost looks like a skull, not meant in a bad way.

  12. I love that you have included the other artists in your painting. It really is great! How long did it take you?
    I saw a really amusing painting once in a magazine. The artist had painted a similar scenario in that they had painted the life model and included all of the other artists at their easels. The difference being that the model was wearing clothes and all of the Artists were naked, lol! :0)

  13. This is so absolutely beautiful! I look at your watercolors, and wonder if I'm using the medium correctly - mine is so tight compared to yours.

  14. Another great drawing/watercolour! I really enjoy visiting your life drawing sessions. You take me from Australia to Canada in an instant ;-D

  15. What a brilliant perspetive, Nora. Wow! I like this. Enjoying your artwork. :)

  16. You took me to this class Nora! I can see the different artists perceiving the same model differently from different angles! The work is gorgeous!

  17. Despite the technical problems, the light and colors in the painting are perfect!

  18. I love all your work! Gorgeous! I am curious ..are you using the 6B pencil for all your line work or do you use a technical waterproof pen?

  19. Really love your work. Now following via Bloglovin'.

  20. hello dear Nora.. wonderful paint,wonderful ambiance.. regards..
