
Sunday, November 17, 2013

work in progress

Here we all are at Life Drawing. Working hard. Being an artist doesn't get easier... it just veers and swerves like you're driving along a winding road! Fun, but keep your hands on the wheel! 
Also, a pic from yesterday's show which went great. Lots of awesome artists and great weather for November(!)so lots of walk through traffic. Happy with my sales and very inspired by the many heart felt compliments.


  1. Bravo Nora, j'aime beaucoup le rendu de ton atelier....tres vivant, comme d'habitude !

  2. You have caught the scene beautifully Nora. Don't know how you manage to draw it so quickly and then get the paint on. Well done.

  3. Your work is so much fun . . . delightful little bits of real life and a touch of cheerful humor :)

  4. Connie hit the nail on the head. Glad you had good sales over the weekend. Love the latest piece. I wish I could draw like this!!

  5. I love that you have included all of the other Artists in your painting! I once saw a painting similar to this. The funny thing was that the Artist had painted the model as fully dressed and all of the Artists at their easels, completely naked, lol! Really made me chuckle! ;0)

  6. Your painting is sweet and playful. Love your "keep your hands on the wheel." I can relate to the veering and true! Thank you!

  7. Love the energy in the life class! Also agree with your thoughts on the artists journey! :-)
