
Saturday, May 30, 2015

a pear, a cup and a pair


Stayed inside on this rainy day and painted this fresh little number!
$50 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Toronto Watercolour Society Workshop

I spent last Saturday at a Toronto Watercolour Society Workshop given by the talented and inspiring Mark Thurman. He's a famous Canadian Children's Book illustrator who now teaches Anatomy at Sheridan College. He encouraged us to work with ink and chopsticks (!), pen nibs and watercolour, from a live model. After many gesture poses, I did these 10 minute clothed poses. As often happens in workshops, we were all completely out of our element, but I certainly learned new things to apply to my way of working.
You can see a page of Mark's talent HERE.

Monday, May 25, 2015

it's about time

$60 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat.
The Toronto Distillery District is a wonderful historical area that has a slew of Victorian Industrial Architecture. It was once a brewery and all of the old machines are still intact, while cafes and shops built up around them. It's cool with lots of subjects to draw. I was there with the cheerful (and hilarious!) Don Valley Art Club Plein-Air Artists.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


$80 - 8x10"painting
I painted this from a sketch I did at a wonderful green house called Allan Gardens. I don't normally work from a sketch, but I've been wanting to try it, so this was a first. I'm very happy with it. Also, it coincided perfectly with the Daily Paintworks Window Challenge. : )

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Captain John's Seafood Ship

This old ship, once a popular seafood restaurant, is finally being towed away. It's been at the Toronto Harbourfront for decades, but since it's falling apart (apparently there is 10 feet of water inside!) away it goes.

I got together with the Toronto Urban Sketchers this past weekend and we, all 20 of us, drew and painted this wonderful subject. In the top one (9x12"/charcoal pencil), I wanted to capture the abandoned shopping cart in the parking lot, compared to the boat. In the bottom painting (5x7"/pen) I wanted people walking by in the foreground, again a nice comparison.

Other news: if you received a few of my old posts, like a fox or a girl on a bike, I apologize... a glitch with blogger... but I've fixed the problem. : )

Sunday, May 17, 2015

the gate at Philosopher's Walk

$60 - 6x8"painting 
The stone gate at Philosopher's walk has wonderful, slightly wacky, street lamps on it that I've been wanting to paint for some time. I found a shady spot during a warm afternoon and did this with charcoal pencil and watercolour.

Here's a pic of my paintbox, which is still holding up well considering it's just a thick paper mache box from the art store. It gets wet as I splash watercolour paint all over it, and it's slightly warped now... but it's still awesome.

Friday, May 15, 2015



I found another Cherry Blossom Tree! This one was peeking out from within all the green trees along Philosopher's Walk.
$50 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat.
And, of course, here's my paintbox.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

warm and cool

SET OF THREE!! - $60  (5x7"each)
At my Life Drawing Session, I thought I'd play around with Burnt Sienna for warmth and Purple for a splash of cool. These are 5 minute poses drawn with charcoal pencil. Wonderful model!

Thursday, May 07, 2015



Another lovely Cherry Blossom Tree. A few more days and they'll be gone... until next year.
$60 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat.
And here's my trusty paintbox.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015


I enjoyed yesterday plein-air painting at the University of Toronto campus. My eye caught this beautiful little Sakura tree next to a cute bicycle with a basket. Couldn't resist!
$60 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat.
Here are photos of my painting kit from yesterday morning.