
Monday, September 28, 2015

Market Day

$80 - 8x10"painting
I had a fantastic time painting these standing baskets with all the little fruits and veggies in them. I went with the Toronto Plein-Air Artists to Kensington Market for the last Pedestrian Sunday of the year. No cars... well, except for the one parked in the foreground of my painting. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

all together now

$40 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat
I've never been a fan of yellow however, every once in awhile I try to embrace it and find the beauty in it. I think I'm starting to like it a bit more... It's just a difficult colour to paint with. ; )

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

study of an onion

It turns out that red onions are a blast to paint!!
$20 - 8x10"painting

Saturday, September 19, 2015

study of a bottle


Back to still life studies with my weekly fellow artists group called The Adrian Angels! I love these kinds of bottles, which I learned are called 'fiasco' bottles, and I've been wanting to paint one for some time. Happy to explore the chance! 
: )
$40 - 8x10"painting

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

take centre stage

$80 - 8x10"painting
Here is the Watercolour Demo I did last night for the lovely Willowdale Group of Artists. Biggest crowd I've ever painted in front of, with about 40 people. Lots of positive feedback. Thank you so much to all the member who came out to see me for the first meeting back this year!

Friday, September 11, 2015

alone time

$80 - 8x10"painting
I'm enjoying painting the Daily Paintworks Challenges again, like this one for 'Fog'. I did a wash over the charcoal drawing, which is unusual for me as I am not really a 'wash watercolour' kind of painter. However, this subject demanded it.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

up close

$60 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat.
Another painting I finished over the weekend while out plein-air painting with a group of artist friends. I liked the idea of the big foreground and the subtle background pushing the viewer's eye from front to back. : )

Sunday, September 06, 2015

morning stretch

$60 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat.
I spent yesterday plein-air painting with the wonderful artists from the Don Valley Art Club. We went back to Rosetta McClain Gardens in Scarborough. It's a beautiful place with lots of subjects to paint! These tall sunflowers caught my eye. They are such lovely flowers, so majestic!
Here's my paintbox. (I already cleaned my palette before I remembered to take the picture.)

Thursday, September 03, 2015

peace and quiet

$40 -5x7"painting
I think the title says what this little fella is after. : )