
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

travelling along

$60 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat
I spent the day plein-air painting with the Don Valley Art Club at the Toronto Botanical Gardens, also known as Edwards Gardens. Here is my step by step process...
I painted this waterfall, which I've painted before, but from the other side of the bridge. I worked from my trusty little paintbox. Here's the drawing in 6B pencil.
Half way there... I like to add darks early, so I can determine the values right from the beginning. Artists often do watercolour from light to dark however, when I do that it never seems to take forever to get dark enough...
All done. You can see the pink bulldog clip on the right of the box holding a rag in place. There's also a few paper towels, a compact mirror (to look at the piece in reverse while painting) and an 8x10"mat (under the box) to make sure it'll fit nicely into a frame when finished. Quite a challenge!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So that's how you do it! Thank you very much for a neat little "Masterclass" You are a Gem.
    David South Wales UK.

  3. Love it! I haven't quite gotten the hang of a waterfall yet....still working on it. The colors on your palette are so beautiful ....would you share your colors? Thank you so much for showing your process, such a big help. Another question..the this to give it a different view, like when you turn it upside down so you can see it differently? Also love the tip about painting darks early....thank you!!

  4. Yes, I like the idea of darks in early too. Your palette of colours is delightful and I wouldn't mind your advice as to what pigments you're using.
