
Sunday, June 25, 2017

keep watch

$60 - 5x7"original watercolour painting with 8x10"mat

Painting black is so tricky in watercolour. I used lots of burnt umber and prussian blue with splashes of rose madder. The goal was to contrast those lovely yellow eyes. Black cats aren't bad luck, they're beautiful!! ; )

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

portrait with braids

11x14" original watercolour painting
Last nights portrait session at the awesome Don Valley Art Club was with this lovely model, wearing braids and dressed in orange. Such an expressive wonderful model. It was nice to have a full session to work on it and really see it through, as opposed to short poses and sketching. ; )
Here's the work while in progress -

Sunday, June 18, 2017

the last short pose

$60 - 5x7" original watercolour painting with 8x10"mat
It's tricky not to get carried away with a portrait when doing a figure study. I concentrate on the shapes of the face, and not details. That way, the whole piece balances. I think I still caught a subtle expression on her face within the loose style. ; )

Thursday, June 15, 2017

group photo

$60 - 5x7"original watercolour painting with 8x10"mat

I was aiming for strong contrasts between the white daisy and warm brown vase when I did this daily painting. ​The pink flowers were a nice cool subtle contrast to the single white one. And the little red beads, well they just spice it up. ; )

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

shapes and splatters

$60 - 6x9" original watercolour painting in 9x12"mat
I drew this during a life drawing session, with a strong contour line and added my new favourite palette, pink and olive green. I've been working with these two colours now for awhile, and I'm really liking the way the cool pink plays off the warm green. I then added a few decisive shapes... and not so decisive splatters. ; )

Monday, June 12, 2017

I heart opera pink

$60 - 6x8"original watercolour painting with 8x10"mat. 
'Splish splash paint fast' was my philosophy when painting this one. : )

Saturday, June 10, 2017

rocky stream

$60 - 5x7"original watercolour painting and 8x10"mat

Fellow painters and I spent the day at the wonderful Toronto Botanical Gardens called Edwards Gardens. While under a shady tree, I painted this rocky stream, which was moving quite fast from all the rain we've had. There were about 10 of us from the Don Valley Art Club there and we all had a great sunny day. Below are a few pics of my trusty paintbox. ; )
1/2 way there...

Thursday, June 08, 2017

turquoise splatter

$100 - 8x10"original watercolour painting

It's just so fun adding a few final splatters to encourage that playful look!