
Tuesday, December 05, 2017

cute bangs

On Sunday, at the awesome Don Valley Art Club portrait session, I got about half way with this one. I thought, just get the drawing right in the 25 minutes we have, since I can always finish painting it at home. Usually, as is the exercise, I try to completely finish the painting in the allotted 25 minutes.
I am very happy with the finished portrait. However, despite having a photo to work from at home, I really think finishing the painting from life at DVAC is the better choice. I think some slight kind of energy or freshness escaped the portrait. So, for now, I'll finish from life whether I have 25 minutes or 3 hours... ; )


  1. I know what you mean but I think you managed to keep the original feeling of freshness very well, Nora. You are so darned good at everything you do. I don't always comment but I am a staunch admirer of your work.

    1. Thank you so much Julie!!! Much appreciated comment from a fellow artist. Cheers and Happy Painting. : )
