
Tuesday, September 04, 2018


$60 - 5x7"original watercolour painting with 8x10"mat
Not sure how this pic ended up so angled... but here's my drawing in my paintbox which sits on my lap. : )
Good 'ole Winsor Newton travel palette with my choice of tube paints squeezed out. I change and/or add colours as my style changes over the years. Although the warm cool staples remain the same. 
The path didn't go in that direction, but I added it since there was just so much greenery around the base of the little building. I know everyone says green is a difficult colour. Not sure that's true, it's just that there's always so much of it! I decided to call this one 'climb' for two reasons, the little ladder and because the flowers are climbing towards the sun. : )


  1. Beautiful painting Nora. You paint those greens perfectly. Hope your September is wonderful.

  2. Bonjour ma chère Nora,

    Ce petit billet est adorable... J'aime l'ensemble des photos que tu nous dévoiles.
    Elles nous plongent directement dans l'ambiance bucolique de ce lieu avec tous ces verts !
    J'aime beaucoup ton aquarelle avec ces verts acidulés similaires à des bonbons. Tout est fraîcheur et délicatesse.
    La petite échelle apporte de la poésie dans ton oeuvre. Elle est peut-être utilisée pour monter dans la lune... sourire.

    Gros bisous 🌸
