
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

fella with hat

click here to purchase - 
8x10" original drawing in charcoal on warm grey Canson paper. 

And now for something completely different! I used to draw on this lovely warm Canson grey paper all the time, using charcoal with light pink ​pastel highlights. It's a very satisfying approach because the paper is cool and the greys are so warm and soft. I love the harmony and I thought, for my Sunday Portrait, I would revisit this style. : )

Saturday, March 28, 2020

inside looking out

6x6" original oil painting on 1" deep panel.
Check out my Instagram Page to see the step by step process for this one. : )

Thursday, March 26, 2020

afternoon nap

6x6" original oil painting on 1" deep wooden panel
This pretty little poppy is on the inside looking out. Like all of us these days. ; )

sides painted

Monday, March 23, 2020

Meat Free Monday

Drawings to help spread the word and support the Meat Free Mondays Campaign. : ) #veggiemealstoday 

Saturday, March 21, 2020


$70 - 6x6" original oil painting with 1" painted sides.

Painting groups don't have to stop painting together just because of a virus. Artists friends everywhere are sharing photo references online and painting from home 'together'! A wonderful group I paint with began doing this. Each week we'll all paint from the same photos, then share our paintings via social media. It's nice to know fellow artists are nearby. 

Friday, March 20, 2020


Starting bid $70 - 6x6" oil painting with 1" deep painted sides.
For my latest still life, I started to fill this jar with flowers and after one, I just stopped. It looked so confident - a perfect statement for this difficult time. I know it's hard to be motivated when there's so much time at home but I hope you are all finding some creative time. It might just push you through it. x

Friday, March 13, 2020

inquisitive smile

6x6" original oil painting on 1"deep panel

I painted this from a photo reference on sktchy. I just loved her slight smile and inquisitive look. I took on the challenge of teeth (!) which is rare for me and I'm happy with the way it turned out. A friend at work purchased her before the painting was even dry!

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Portrait of Me from a Friend!

Hey, I thought I'd share this watercolour painting that a friend did of me. I just love it! I sat last Sunday at our portrait painting session, for 25 minutes, and I really think she captured me. : )

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Portrait Sketch

$100 - 6x6" original oil painting on wooden panel
My collection of 6x6 inch portrait paintings is growing. They look cool hanging in 9 by 9 rows. Groups of paintings always ask the viewer to make comparisons that you might not make when looking at only one painting. And, I'm having a wonderful time painting them. ; )