
Saturday, September 29, 2018


6x12" original watercolour painting

Here's another piece from my last portrait painting session, where we artists take turns sitting for each other. (It's surprisingly difficult to sit still for 25 minutes! If you try it, you'll have a whole new respect for life models.) 
I wanted to tie in the red shirt with the red glasses. I'm really happy with her expression but I'm feeling that the 6x12" size might just cut off people's shoulders, giving them a big looking head!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

our fearless leader!

6x12" original watercolour

At our portrait session last weekend, I decided to create 6x12" paintings. Mostly because I had paper that size and I wanted to use it up. ; ) I drew a loose energetic line with charcoal pencil then added lots of fresh watercolour paint.
On most social media, like Facebook and Instagram, you can only post pics as a square. So, here's the complete painting.

Monday, September 24, 2018


$40 - 8x10"original watercolour painting.
I painted this sketch of cattails at the wonderful, very green, Corktown. Fellow pleinair painters and I set up our easels at this lovely lily pond, however it was the cattails that caught my eye. (Although fellow artists called them bulrushes). They actually remind my of my childhood since there were plenty of them in my neighbourhood and we always thought they were so cool!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Save the Date!

If you're in Toronto, this is the first of a few group art shows I'll be in before the holidays. Over 20 of artists in this one! Hope to see you there!!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

free rein

$80 - 8x10" original watercolour painting.
This fella' speaks for himself.

Friday, September 14, 2018

catching up on some thinking

$60 - 5x7"original watercolour painting with 8x10"mat
It's always nice to sit with a cup of tea and catch up on some thinking. Or in my case, some drawing... ; )

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

a couple of portraits

Two 11x14" watercolour pieces (with a couple of details) from my last life painting session. : )

Monday, September 10, 2018

today at life painting

 1 minute gesture painting
 2 minute gesture painting
5 minute painting

First day back at life painting! Here are a few paintings from today, of my favourite model. I used charcoal pencil to draw, added green and warm/cool reds, then a splash of turquoise. I tried to stay loose and as gestural as possible. Soooo fun. If you haven't tried drawing from life, I highly recommend it. You never know what might happen when you're under the time pressure.

Saturday, September 08, 2018

a good read

$60 - 5x7"original watercolour painting with 8x10"mat
It was so nice to see someone reading a book at a local cafe this morning. Instead of having their nose in their phone. When I first started drawing I captured people reading all the time. Now, it's a rare treat.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018


$60 - 5x7"original watercolour painting with 8x10"mat
Not sure how this pic ended up so angled... but here's my drawing in my paintbox which sits on my lap. : )
Good 'ole Winsor Newton travel palette with my choice of tube paints squeezed out. I change and/or add colours as my style changes over the years. Although the warm cool staples remain the same. 
The path didn't go in that direction, but I added it since there was just so much greenery around the base of the little building. I know everyone says green is a difficult colour. Not sure that's true, it's just that there's always so much of it! I decided to call this one 'climb' for two reasons, the little ladder and because the flowers are climbing towards the sun. : )

Saturday, September 01, 2018

charcoal and watercolour

Charcoal Drawing
Adding a second (and final) layer of watercolour
Some charcoal added to the shadow side

Last Tuesday's portrait night at Don Valley Art Club ended off our summer sessions just right. : )
I drew the model in charcoal, painted it with watercolour then brought it together with a layer of charcoal. The final charcoal, on the shadow side, didn't blend like I anticipated it would, I think because it was sitting on top of the watercolour. I like it, but I think it looks a bit 'rough' and I may save this technique for a male model next time. I'm happy that I played around and tried something different, which I guess is what it's all about...