Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Today's Train

Holiday fun is over and it's time to get back to work filling up my sketchbook.
Click images to enlarge.


  1. Damn you Nora. They look so effortless, how you pull it together is a mystery for me, but you got all of it without any hesitation, I love them.

  2. Well this sure looks a lot like fun, not work.
    Love it.

  3. Des croquis pleins de charme, de vie qui défile...

    Je vous renouvelle mes voeux pour 2012, afin que tout soit possible y compris le bonheur.
    Gros bisous.

  4. Amen to comments above. I could not pull this off without wearing out my eraser, and by then the subjects would have gotten off the train and I would be buying a second ticket. ;)

  5. You sketched the people so well! I did some sketching in trains too, but never succeded in sketching a whole wagon, always afraid to be 'discovered'...great 'peeping' into your daily life. xox

  6. The proportions and the perspective is so accurate, and even the people have enough detailing to pique one's interest. Awesome work.

  7. The second and third one are beautiful. I love the looseness in the pencil and the character and body language is great. A big thumbs up!

  8. These are so charming and ditto roger-they look effortless!
