Tuesday, January 07, 2020

all together

$60 - 6x6" original oil painting on 1" deep panel.
I loved painting the little circles on the vase! This low strong lighting, (an idea I got from the awesome dailypainter Lisa Daria) is really cool. Such wonderful contrasts! Check out pics below...


  1. Very beautiful flower painting with so nice colours !!!

  2. Very nice combination of colors and great shadow pattern on the back wall. Lovely!

  3. Just wondering...how long does it take you to paint your florals? I assume portraits and scenes take longer..yes? Do you paint daily? I'm trying hard to discipline myself to daily painting. Do you ever wonder...what shall I paint today? Thanks

    1. Hi Bernadette,
      The flower paintings can take anywhere from 1-3 hours. Sometimes they are just as challenging as faces! I definitely draw every single day and I paint a lot ;)
      Happy Painting to you.
