Wednesday, July 09, 2014

over the Humber


When people and cars cross this bridge, over the Humber River, you can just see their little heads and car tops go by.
$50 - 5x7"painting with 8x10"mat.


  1. So enchantingly beautiful, Nora. This scene and the name of the bridge make it like a fairy tale spot to visit. Your work is wonderful, and I imagine your personality is reflected in the gentle, happy colors that you place so perfectly!

  2. Beautiful colors, Nora...nice scene as always!

  3. Bonjour ma chère Nora,

    Des couleurs acidulées qui me ravissent... Un petit coin charmant pour peindre.
    J'aime la présence parcimonieuse de petits groupes de gens... Ils sont comme des boutons de fleurs. Jolie aquarelle.

    Gros bisous ☼ ♡ ☼

  4. Nora, your prices are so amazing and your art work so fresh and beautiful. This is no exception; I love it!!
